RKB Contractors, Inc.

Conventional Framing
Timber Framing
Wood Truss Systems
Exterior Siding and Trim
Glu-lam Beam Systems
We offer complete "turn-key" commercial wood framing solutions which often require considerable wood-to-steel connections as well as other materials like CMV and concrete. These solutions are provided to general contractors who are involved in building projects which require conventional framing, wood truss systems, timber framing, and glu-lam beam systems. Our services include conventional framing, wood truss systems, timber framing, glu-lam beam systems, T&G soffits/decking, exterior siding and trim, and custom wood decks such as Ipe or Trex. We offer high-quality workmanship and exceptional customer service on every project.
Service Sector: Public/ Private/ Non-Profit
Typical Project Size: From $25,000 to $ 4,000,000
Bondable: Yes, up to $10,000,000